BitCoke Affiliated Mining to Join EthereumFair Hard-fork Initiative
Recently, the Ethereum hard fork has sparked heated discussion in the blockchain field. BitCoke officially holds a strong positive attitude towards the Ethereum hard fork, believing that it is the defense of Satoshi’s blockchain spirit. In addition to launching ETHF, ETHW perpetual contracts, Bitcoke’s $100 million ETH mine will participate in the EthereumFair hard fork initiative.
The EthereumFair hard fork is led by the ClassZZ community, and the technology is mature and stable. It is the first technical team in the world to release the testnet of an Ethereum fork.
About Ethereum Fair
EthereumFair Partners
1. Exchange: Gate,Phemex,BitCoke, etc
2. Community: 7 O’Clock Labs, etc
3. Eco/project: MetisDAO,ADAM, etc
4. Mining Pool: F2Pool,Hiveon, etc
5. Wallet: BitKeep,SWFT, etc